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Boyfriend wanted  dead or alive
Added: 26th October 2011
Views: 1540
Comments: 0

This guy tried to hire a hit man to kill or at least bring his daughters boyfriend to him, and he actually posted signs all over town, what an idiot.

Tags: dead or alive boyfriend idiot
Funny sign | not totally useless
Added: 26th October 2011
Views: 2503
Comments: 0

Here is a funny sign letting you know that this guy isn't totally useless as he could actually be used as a bad example.

Tags: funny sign totally useless
Steps to the garage door
Added: 29th October 2011
Views: 2072
Comments: 0

Now this is a funny picture of a unique design, ok a stupid design, why in the world would you have steps down to your garage door, can we all say FAIL together.

Tags: garage door steps stupid design funny picture
Social media stereotypes
Added: 3rd November 2011
Views: 3426
Comments: 1

What do the various social media stereotypes look like? say for Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc... A very creative and talented design for a funny picture.

Tags: social media stereotypes Facebook Google Twitter
Hot beer get your Hot Beer here
Added: 5th November 2011
Views: 2005
Comments: 0

ah, you know the feeling, a hot summer day, you've been working hard outside and you just want a nice cold Hot Beer? I don't know who made this stupid sign, but they are not winning, they are for sure FAILing

Tags: hot beer stupid sign not winning beer
Funny use stairs in case of fire
Added: 5th November 2011
Views: 2550
Comments: 1

We have all seen the signs near elevators, in case of fire use the stairs, well this funny picture gives whole new meaning to that phrase.

Tags: in case of fire use stairs funny picture
Fail hotel stupid room sign
Added: 13th November 2011
Views: 2218
Comments: 1

This hotel gets a huge fail for this stupid room sign, anyone see what the problem is, if not comment below and I will point it out to you.

Tags: fail stupid sign hotel fail
Funny ATF store sign
Added: 14th November 2011
Views: 2924
Comments: 1

A funny sign about how Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be a convenience store and not a government agency.

Tags: ATF Alcohol Tobacco Firearms funny sign store
Teenagers harassed by their parents
Added: 16th November 2011
Views: 2629
Comments: 1

A funny sign for those poor teenagers that are being harassed by their parents and what they can do about it now!

Tags: funny sign teenagers harassed by parents teenagers
Poor husbands just cant win
Added: 16th November 2011
Views: 2195
Comments: 0

Funny sign, a wife asks her husband how many women he has slept with.... needless to say he gives the wrong answer, husbands just can't win

Tags: poor husbands funny sign cant win slept with wife