hahaha, a very nasty moldy bowl in a bathroom full of mold, spit, and only god knows what else. One roommate leaves a funny sign to figure out who's bowl it is and says it is almost F'ing alive!
moldy bowl nasty bathroom |
Who would win, the Star Wars Death Star or the Star Trek Borg Cube in a battle against each other? I guess my vote would easily have to go to the Borg cube for sure. I am guessing the borg cube doesn't have a fatal design flaw like a vent opening leading directly to its core
star wars death star star trek borg cube |
Now this guy should sure get an A+ on this funny homework assignment just for thinking outside the box classroom. I don't think it is real Chinese writing, but it looks damn good
funny homework chinese immigrant |
Funny sign with a slight political message. You had better be nice to America or we will bring Democracy to your country.
funny sign America Democracy |
Now this is a good warning sign if there ever was one. If you trespass here we will violate you. So if you step into their yard I am guessing you are hoping it is some supermodel babe.
funny sign trespassers violated sign |
Ever wonder what the copilot in a plane really does? I mean unless the actual pilot dies what does this guy do for the entire flight? Well, here is your funny sign right in the cockpit that answers your question.
funny sign copilot plane |
Now we finally have a solution for when you use up all your sick days at work! Just call in dead and take the day off, brilliant!
funny sign sick days work |
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