Get the brand new iPad stand while supplies last, with this ingenious design they aren't going last long. Order today and they will likely double your order, (just pay additional S/H)
funny apple iPad iPad stand |
Check out this guy with his funny sign, I guess he is not an Apple fan..... although I guess there is some truth to what he says...
Apple Computer funny sign |
Not sure who thought this was a good design, but they should probably be flushed. Even not thinking about the toilet in the middle, why the need for so many sinks?
funny picture toilet picture |
Funny sign, they are very much concerned about the animals getting sick, but not so much about your life.... probably because if you get eaten you deserved it for being stupid.
funny animals sign funny sign animals |
A funny picture about how the Unites States probe Voyager 1 that was launched in 1977 has now left our solar system for deep space. Yet some of us still can't get a cellular signal in our own house!
Voyager 1 1977 Deep Space Cellular Signal United States |
uh oh, the xwife is having a yard sale with all of your ***** in it, I guess I would show up and buy it all
xwife yard sale funny sign |
As you can see, Global Warming is a huge issue for the world, if we are to put an end to this problem, we all need to pitch in and help, I mean just look at this funny sign
funny sign global warming |
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