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What are you doing today
Added: 19th October 2011
Views: 2269
Comments: 1

Funny picture about what you are doing today and if you got it done or not. If you aren\'t doing shit then that is a good thing

Tags: funny picture doing today funny
Funny Halloween outdoor decoration
Added: 19th October 2011
Views: 2153
Comments: 0

A funny lit up outdoor Halloween decoration, who's your daddy?

Tags: Halloween decoration funny outdoor
Slow drivers | slow but in front of you
Added: 22nd October 2011
Views: 3334
Comments: 1

Funny sign on the back of a semi truck, he might be a slow driver, but if you are readying his funny sign then he is in front of you!

Tags: funny sign slow driver semi truck
Deserted Island how would you survive
Added: 27th October 2011
Views: 2187
Comments: 0

Kind of a brain teaser funny picture about how you would decided what to take with you if you knew you were going to be stranded on a deserted island. Choose one of the 3 categories of what to take.

Tags: deserted island stranged survive
Ever wonder what is in Australia
Added: 25th October 2011
Views: 2370
Comments: 1

Well, if you have ever wondered what is in Australia, what it is like, would you like to go there, etc.... here is a funny picture showing you real quick just what to expect. Nothing, but death perhaps.

Tags: Australia funny picture nothing
What is a Beerbulance you ask
Added: 25th October 2011
Views: 2163
Comments: 1

I have never heard of this before, but I rest much easier at night knowing the Beerbulance is out there just in case. Hopefully it is real and not just a funny picture.

Tags: Beerbulance funny picture
Funny sign | not totally useless
Added: 26th October 2011
Views: 2489
Comments: 0

Here is a funny sign letting you know that this guy isn't totally useless as he could actually be used as a bad example.

Tags: funny sign totally useless
Difference between an iPad and a rock
Added: 26th October 2011
Views: 2435
Comments: 0

Now this is a crazy but true picture. This funny picture outlines all the differences or not so much, between the Apple iPad and a regular old rock.

Tags: Apple iPad funny picture Apple rock iPad crazy picture
What a real Apple computer looks like
Added: 27th October 2011
Views: 1900
Comments: 0

Now this is a funny picture of what a true Apple computer really looks like, this is hardcore

Tags: Apple computer funny picture hardcore
Funny receipt spitting in your food
Added: 27th October 2011
Views: 2247
Comments: 0

See people, this is why you are ALWAYS nice to the people that serve and prepare your food while eating out, well at least until you get your food then you can be as rude as you want. I am thinking that spitting your food is probably the best that can happen compared to what they could do while...

Tags: funny receipt spitting in food