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Celebrity Diane LaneLong legs in heels for a sexy selfieSexy Emma Watson showing her LegsScreen Team Christmas ParodyCute Debby Ryan in stockings and bootsElizabeth Ann Roberts 2Angie Griffin YouTube babe looking very sexy with her legs and boobs as a hot girlscoutPretty Emma Watson and her kitty

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Creative picture of electrical outlet
Added: 17th January 2012
Views: 5059
Comments: 1

Someone got very creative with this funny picture of an electrical outlet, if you can't tell what it is from this thumb, then you should check out the full size picture, you will for sure be sharing it with your friends on Facebook.

Tags: creative picture funny picture electrical outlet share with friends Facebook
Facebook IPO public or private company
Added: 1st February 2012
Views: 3969
Comments: 0

What do you think about the Facebook IPO, will investors treat it better as a public company more than when it was a private company?

Tags: Facebook Facebook IPO IPO public company private company investors
Funny picture Social Media explained
Added: 7th February 2012
Views: 4773
Comments: 0

A funny picture explaining all the various different Social Media outlets LIKE Facebook, Twitter, Linkedn, etc...

Tags: social media funny picture Facebook Twitter Linkedn funny
Facebook the Magazine What IF
Added: 21st August 2012
Views: 5830
Comments: 0

Just what would it look like if Facebook was a magazine instead of a website?

Tags: Facebook website magazine what if
Computer Based Work Week Funny Comic
Added: 11th September 2012
Views: 6629
Comments: 2

This funny comic likely portrays how your work week looks as far as your mood, but what happens on Saturday when you are home, probably on the computer again, but just using Facebook instead of working and you have a window.

Tags: Funny comic Work Week Facebook your mood computers
Funny Comic Facebook Google+ and Twitter
Added: 15th September 2012
Views: 7073
Comments: 0

A funny comic about the complexity of posting your ideas on the various social media networks available today like Google+, Facebook, and Twitter not to mention all the others

Tags: Social Media Facebook Google+ Twitter Funny Comic funny comic
Facebook Relationship Status Translator
Added: 20th September 2012
Views: 5719
Comments: 0

A funny picture showing you just how you can translate those pesky Facebook relationship status updates

Tags: Facebook Relationship Status Funny Picture Facebook Relationship Status Translator
Facebook Privacy Dont Put it On Facebook
Added: 31st December 2012
Views: 6206
Comments: 0

Hello to all those stupid people out there that constantly complain about Facebook privacy. You are posting information that you deem private to a Public Website and company? If it is that private then why are you sharing it?

Tags: Facebook Privacy Public Information Sharing
Facebook Needs Rules Lets Start Here
Added: 7th February 2013
Views: 5129
Comments: 0

We all know at least one of your Facebook friends who breaks at least all of these rules.

Tags: Facebook Rules Facebook Friends Friends Facebook Rules
Facebook and Productivity do not Work
Added: 7th March 2013
Views: 7179
Comments: 0

Trying to be productive while having Facebook open is not a good start to getting things done during the day.

Tags: Facebook Productivity Get Things Done