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How not to Facebook
Added: 2nd June 2009
Views: 4148
Comments: 1

Here is a funny picture of a guy who heard the term Facebook and got it all wrong, this is how not to do it for sure, can we all say FAIL together?

Tags: Facebook fail funny picture
How to Get Fired on Facebook 101
Added: 24th September 2009
Views: 2805
Comments: 0

For all of those that are frustrated with your job, it can get worse, use some common sense so don't get fired while surfing Facebook at work!

Tags: facebook fired
Facebook Relationship Status
Added: 11th December 2009
Views: 2372
Comments: 0

Crazy couple getting married and stop the ceremony so that they can both update their Facebook relationship status.

Tags: Facebook Relationship Status
Facebook Connections around the world
Added: 17th January 2011
Views: 3064
Comments: 1

A very neat picture of just how widely used and connected facebook really is around the globe with over 500 million users

Tags: Facebook connections
Funny Chain Letter spam picture
Added: 17th February 2011
Views: 3399
Comments: 0

We have all seen these chain letters over and over in our emails, do this and you will get a dollar in the mail, or you won't die tomorrow, or you will have good luck forever, etc.. Post it on Facebook to your status if you support the cause, blah blah blah, all spam basically. Well I have to...

Tags: chain letter funny letter funny spam
Facebook Should Give us new Buttons
Added: 26th September 2013
Views: 6307
Comments: 0

A few button ideas for Facebook to give us to respond to all these worthless status updates. They cant expect us to really just use the single LIKE button for everything can they.

Tags: Facebook Buttons LIKE New Buttons Status Updates
Funny comment on a Facebook post
Added: 25th April 2011
Views: 4669
Comments: 0

We have all seen those Facebook posts that just aren't quite appropriate to be posting, perhaps you are drunk or a friend tagged you without you knowing. Well here is a post of a couple of babe being fairly innocent, but get caught by the comment bomber

Tags: funny facebook comment funny Facebook posts Facebook
Tattoo of all your Facebook friends
Added: 12th June 2011
Views: 1831
Comments: 0

You ever noticed how collecting friends on facebook is just like another popularity contest, I mean how many of them would you truly call a friend. Well, this guy gets all 152 of his Facebook friends tattooed onto his arm, now that is a friend....... a stupid one though

Tags: facebook friends Facebook Tattoo
Go outside and play
Added: 31st August 2011
Views: 3262
Comments: 0

We have all heard this before from our parents, but today's kids are addicted to video games, the internet, facebook, etc.. and it is difficult to get them to go outside and play. This funny comic sums it up nicely.

Tags: funny picture funny comic go outside Facebook
Facebook is like jail
Added: 31st August 2011
Views: 5391
Comments: 1

Funny picture showing just how alike Facebook is to jail. I don't know about the poking part in Facebook , but I am sure it is well documented in jail

Tags: Facebook funny picture jail