Please everyone, for as little as a cup of a coffee a day you too can help Skippy find his soul mate.. or at least a date.
funny guy video skippy date |
funny sign showing that just for the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you too can send the much needed supplies to our troops to help support them in the field.
support our troops funny sign |
Now you can drool for that Starbucks coffee all day when you look at your new pretty little iPhone, here it is, the official Starbucks wallpaper, just set it and forget it!
Starbucks iPhone wallpaper wallpaper coffee |
5 of the most deadly terms used by women against men on a daily basis. Perhaps for just the cost of a cup of coffee a day you too can help every man escape this horrible life.
Deadly Terms Women Men Terms Coffee |
When I say a hot cup of Starbucks coffee, I don't completely mean the temperature, now this takes some talent.... I guess...
Starbucks Coffee hot coffee coffee |
Check out this group of USAF A-10 attack planes, I wouldn't want to be their intended target. Most commonly called the Warthog, the actual name is the Thunderbolt II. Is the 3rd guy drinking coffee?
USAF attack planes A-10 Warthog |