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German water over water bridge
Added: 20th August 2011
Views: 2983
Comments: 1

You have heard the term German engineering more than a few times in your life, well check out this bridge for boats that actually goes over the water itself. They have several different bridges just like this.

Tags: German bridge German engineering water bridge
Womens Monopoly board game
Added: 20th August 2011
Views: 3454
Comments: 1

Before you even start with the hate comments, sexist pig, etc... it is a funny Monopoly board game picture, a joke and if you don't like it then just move on to the next picture or video.

Tags: Monopoly board game womens monopoly funny picture
IKEA sells huge hot dogs
Added: 30th August 2011
Views: 2900
Comments: 0

We all know IKEA as the neat furniture store that always has something everyone likes for a good price, well now you can buy huge hot dogs there as well... oh darn I see the fine print on the funny sign now that it is not actual size, man I thought it was real, good thing they point out that it...

Tags: IKEA furniture hot dog funny sign
Husband day care
Added: 31st August 2011
Views: 2718
Comments: 0

Funny sign for a place where you can check your husband into day care for the day while you go out shopping or whatever else you want to do.

Tags: funny sign husband day care
What do you call a fake Noodle
Added: 23rd September 2013
Views: 6208
Comments: 0

A funny and stupid joke about what would you call a fake Noodle

Tags: Funny Joke Fake Noodle Stupid Joke Funny Picture
Men will fix it Eventually
Added: 23rd September 2013
Views: 6363
Comments: 1

A funny picture directed at ladies to let them know that men will fix the problem Eventually. So stop bugging them about it while they are watching the game or having a few beers.

Tags: Funny Picture Men Fix It Ladies Game Beer Fix the Problem
Screen Team GTA 5 Video Spoof
Added: 24th September 2013
Views: 9134
Comments: 1

A funny video from Chad and Angie at Screen Team doing a music video about GTA 5

Tags: Screen Team Angie Chad GTA 5 Funny Video Spoof
Funny Bad Case of the Children
Added: 25th September 2013
Views: 6177
Comments: 0

Just what you want to hear from your Doctor that you have a bad case of what it called Children

Tags: Funny Cartoon Children Doctor Bad Case
No love for dead battery
Added: 12th September 2011
Views: 2366
Comments: 0

This guy or maybe a gal had to leave their car at the meter for too long because of a dead battery, and even wrote a nice funny note asking to not get a ticket. The police gave them no love and wrote them up a ticket anway. Now, I am guessing they have seen this plot before without a doubt....

Tags: funny note funny police ticket dead battery
The Porta Potty fix
Added: 18th September 2011
Views: 2573
Comments: 0

Can't stand to use those outside Porta Potties when you are out camping, fishing or whatever? The always stick and almost always have a very unpleasant view when you walk in, well here is your fix to at least the smell problem.

Tags: Porta Potty smell camping fishing