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Cute Debby Ryan in stockings and bootsSexy Emma Watson showing her LegsCelebrity Diane LaneAngie Griffin YouTube babe looking very sexy with her legs and boobs as a hot girlscoutScreen Team Christmas ParodyElizabeth Ann Roberts 2Long legs in heels for a sexy selfiePretty Emma Watson and her kitty

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Amazing Isla Fisher so hot
Added: 27th June 2011
Views: 5846
Comments: 1

Isla Fisher in a very cute pose looking very hot, I wish she would take more roles in movies or at least TV so we could all check her out some more already!

Tags: Isla Fisher hot cute pose
Microsoft buying Skype
Added: 30th June 2011
Views: 3262
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Geez, you would think a multi billion dollar company like Mircosoft would realize that anyone can download Skype for free instead of paying billions of dollars!

Tags: Microsoft Sykpe buying Skype download Sykpe
Women tell you what they want
Added: 30th June 2011
Views: 3193
Comments: 0

So women are always telling us that we just have to listen and they will tell us what they really want, but do they really? Well, check out this funny cartoon picture, how often has something like this happened to you?

Tags: women want what women want cartoon funny picture
Patriotic Katy Perry
Added: 4th July 2011
Views: 9126
Comments: 1

Katy Perry looking very sexy and patriotic for the USA on this 4th of July, although I think this picture was actually taken last year, we will call it good enough.

Tags: Katy Perry patriotic sexy
Housing market FSBO
Added: 5th July 2011
Views: 3677
Comments: 1

Check out this for sale by owner (FSBO) house sign, I guess you can tell in this poor housing market that people will try anything. And this one is a gem, well unless you are allergic to Asbestos

Tags: housing market FSBO for sale by owner asbestos
Online dating cartoon
Added: 7th July 2011
Views: 3991
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Just a funny cartoon about online dating and how we can all become just a bit too addicted to the internet in our daily lives rather than actual human conversation.

Tags: online dating funny cartoon internet addicted
Stool sample funny picture
Added: 22nd July 2011
Views: 2658
Comments: 0

Just a funny picture on what you really think a stool sample would look like

Tags: funny picture stool sample
Pickle barrel Halloween costume
Added: 5th October 2011
Views: 2680
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Now this is a funny costume for your man, his very own pickle barrel with a slight sexual connotation to it.

Tags: funny costume Halloween pickle barrel
Funny dog poopie note
Added: 16th August 2011
Views: 2844
Comments: 1

Check out this funny note from a frustrated person over the neighbors dog and the fact that they don't pick up their own poop.

Tags: funny note dog poop
Casey Anthony party babe
Added: 16th August 2011
Views: 3173
Comments: 1

Yes, yes, it is your favorite or not so favorites party babe, Casey Anthony. I won't get into all the normal talk about her (guilty), but at least she is a patriot?

Tags: Casey Anthony party babe patriot