ah, man, don't I feel better now that I have taken a Donald Trump and here is the picture
Donald Trump picture |
Sarah Palin has just announced that she will be running for president, but she will change her look slightly to be more attractive and look like Princess Leia
Sarah Palin president Palin Pincess Leia |
hahaha, a very nasty moldy bowl in a bathroom full of mold, spit, and only god knows what else. One roommate leaves a funny sign to figure out who's bowl it is and says it is almost F'ing alive!
moldy bowl nasty bathroom |
You always hear and watch about wormholes on the sci-fi movies, but here is the real theory behind them and how they can be explained to be possible
wormhole explained wormhold |
Who would win, the Star Wars Death Star or the Star Trek Borg Cube in a battle against each other? I guess my vote would easily have to go to the Borg cube for sure. I am guessing the borg cube doesn't have a fatal design flaw like a vent opening leading directly to its core
star wars death star star trek borg cube |
Do you think the time that the president decided to announce they'd killed Osama was intentional? Not because of the proximity to the mission but because he could get one over on Donald Trump.
Obama Donald Trump Osama |
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