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Tattoo of a Tattoo on his arm
Added: 25th April 2011
Views: 2294
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wow, now this guy really did get creative huh, a tattoo of tattoo on his arm, if you are going to scar yourself for life (like I have many times) then at least put something up there you can be proud of and not just a 1 minute joke at parties

Tags: arm tattoo tattoo
Wild turkey outside my window
Added: 26th April 2011
Views: 2329
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Yesterday I heard some strange noises outside of my bedroom window and after a quick look I noticed several wild turkeys wandering around my yard, here is the one that came the closest for the best picture.

Tags: wild turkey turkey picture
Funny fire escape sign
Added: 26th April 2011
Views: 2892
Comments: 1

A funny sign letting all the employees of this company know what to do in case of a fire.

Tags: funny sign fire sign fire escapte
Lindsay Lohan with the brain trust
Added: 26th April 2011
Views: 2684
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Check out who all is in this car, talk about the collective brain trust all together. Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Paris Hilton. Kids this is what your parents are talking about when they tell you to not hang out with the wrong crowd of people

Tags: Britney Spears Lindsay Lohan Paris Hilton
Cute redneck girl gets pulled over
Added: 12th May 2011
Views: 1830
Comments: 0

Funny if not a somewhat distributing video about how this kinda cute redneck girl got pulled over by the police.

Tags: redneck girl girl pulled over police
Cool glowing pool balls picture
Added: 26th April 2011
Views: 2814
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A very cool picture of a table of pool balls that are glowing, check out the reflections, very neat

Tags: pool balls glowing pool balls
Donald Trump birth certificate crap
Added: 27th April 2011
Views: 3053
Comments: 1

Donald Trump and his birth certificate crap about Obama is pointless. I really don't know if he really thinks this is an issue he can try to discredit Obama about or what, he can't beat Obama outright so lets just make up issues. Dear Donald, get a life and start tackling the real issues of...

Tags: Donald Trump birth certificate
Apple iPhone earrings
Added: 29th April 2011
Views: 2325
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Finally ladies (and some guys) what you have all been waiting for, a nice new shiny pair of Apple iPhone earrings!

Tags: Apple iPhone iPhone earrings earrings
Jennifer Aniston is beautiful
Added: 29th April 2011
Views: 3527
Comments: 1

Jennifer Aniston looking just down right beautiful in this picture. Sexy flowing night gown and hot little anklet, but what is up with her giving us the finger?

Tags: Jennifer Aniston sexy night gown sexy anklet
United States map of shame
Added: 30th April 2011
Views: 2788
Comments: 1

A very cool map of the Unites States showing each state what is it shamed about, for instance what state is the dumbest, Maine. Hey, I live in Maine! Funny map and scarily accurate at least based on stereotypes, so what is your state worst at?

Tags: United States map of shame United States map