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Pretty Emma Watson and her kittyAngie Griffin YouTube babe looking very sexy with her legs and boobs as a hot girlscoutCelebrity Diane LaneScreen Team Christmas ParodyElizabeth Ann Roberts 2Sexy Emma Watson showing her LegsLong legs in heels for a sexy selfieCute Debby Ryan in stockings and boots

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iPad now has cameras
Added: 11th April 2011
Views: 2593
Comments: 0

Ever since the first iPad came out everyone has been complaining about the fact that it didn't have a camera, then the iPad 2 came out and people are complaining that the two cameras aren't good enough, check out the newest version with over 300 cameras, hope you are all happy now!

Tags: apple iPad iPad cameras
Used parachute for sale sign
Added: 11th April 2011
Views: 2820
Comments: 1

funny sign for one slightly used parachute for sale, never opened, for sale as-is, use at your own risk

Tags: funny sign used parachute for sale
Katy Perry cute stockings
Added: 11th April 2011
Views: 5172
Comments: 1

Katy Perry looking very hot with her mischievous smile sexy heels, and cute stockings around her perfect legs

Tags: Kate Perry sexy heels cute stockings legs
Nothing really mattress
Added: 11th April 2011
Views: 2699
Comments: 1

Nothing really matters or nothing really mattress, its all the same thing right

Tags: mattress matters nothing matters
Truck sign OBAMA
Added: 11th April 2011
Views: 4540
Comments: 1

Another anti Obama political message sign painted on the tailgate of a pickup truck, so what does Obama stand for

Tags: Obama political sign
Japan Tsunami trash current video
Added: 11th April 2011
Views: 2850
Comments: 1

A sad, yet very cool video showing how the ocean currents will affect all of that trash an debris from the Japan tsunami

Tags: Japan tsunami trash current video ocean current
Anti theft sandwich bag
Added: 11th April 2011
Views: 2640
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Tired of people stealing your lunch from the frig at work? Well, introducing the all new and improved zip lock anti theft sandwich bag complete with fake mold spots

Tags: anti theft sandwich bag
Sexy kitten costume
Added: 11th April 2011
Views: 6674
Comments: 1

Ok, so I appreciate a girl who will put on a nice sexy outfit for her man, but this kitten kit seems a little strange to me, why does it include horns?

Tags: sexy kitten costume
Go green with a nice big Hummer
Added: 11th April 2011
Views: 2515
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Ok, check out the nerve of this guy, or more likely a woman. Sticker says go green all while driving a Hummer that gets like 8 miles to the gallon

Tags: go green Hummer
Remember Beavis and Butthead
Added: 12th April 2011
Views: 3194
Comments: 1

Remember Beavis and Butthead, you may have asked yourself where are they today, what happened to them? Well, here is what they look like today.

Tags: Beavis and Butthead