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World record smallest aquarium
Added: 23rd March 2011
Views: 3351
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This is not a photo shop trick, this is actually a picture of the world's smallest aquarium complete with fish, check it out on the Guinness records if you don't believe me. An aquarium with fish and only 10ml of water, amazing.

Tags: smallest aquarium world record Guinness book of records
Striped antarctic icebergs
Added: 25th March 2011
Views: 2782
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Many people don't realize that antarctic icebergs are striped more often than not, the colors form for various reasons, the blue is when clear water is frozen between to layers and forms a perfect blue line, greens are from algae, etc...

Tags: Striped antarctic icebergs icebergs
Pretty Danica Patrick
Added: 25th March 2011
Views: 4285
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Danica Patrick looking very pretty here and no so manish, I know I am going to hear about that comment, but it is true, sometimes she looks a bit too manly for my liking.

Tags: Danica Patrick pretty
iPhone 5 Rumor information
Added: 26th March 2011
Views: 8133
Comments: 1

A complete list of the most likely changes for the upcoming new Apple iPhone 5. All the rumors in one easy picture

Tags: iPhone iPhone 5 iPhone rumors new iPhone
Emma Watson The Tale of Despereaux
Added: 28th March 2011
Views: 3058
Comments: 1

Beautiful Emma Watson with Despereaux at the premier. Emma Watson played the princess pea character in the film and she is looking great here in her heels, love the facial expression too.

Tags: Emmat Watson The Tale of Despereaux
Broken Bridge Sign
Added: 27th March 2011
Views: 3193
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Check out this broken down old bridge and the great stupid sign letting just motorcycles know to use extreme caution. I guess cars and trucks are fine?

Tags: bridge sign stupid bridge sign
Japan Tsunami video on a ship
Added: 29th March 2011
Views: 2749
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A crazy video of what the Tsunami in Japan looked like far out to sea from a ship that goes right over top of it. I guess it make sense the wave gets bigger the closer to shore it gets so they were luck they were a good ways out into the ocean

Tags: Tsunami Japan video ship Japanese Tsunami
Stupid thumbtack sign
Added: 29th March 2011
Views: 2637
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Well, here we have yet another stupid sign, this time it is hung on the wall with thumbtacks to let people know to not use thumbtacks. As you can see people immediately picked up on how stupid this sign was.

Tags: stupid sign thumbtack sign
Secret nuclear bunker sign
Added: 30th March 2011
Views: 4062
Comments: 1

A nice big sign that points out where to find the super secret Nuclear bunker just down the road.

Tags: nuclear bunker sign dump sign secret bunker
Beautiful Sandra Bullock lace dress
Added: 30th March 2011
Views: 5030
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Check out the beautiful Sandra Bullock looking very hot in her lace see thru dress, what a gorgeous actress

Tags: Sandra Bullock lace dress beautiful actress