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Money under your mattress
Added: 14th March 2011
Views: 2727
Comments: 1

More people than you probably realize actually do put cold hard cash money in their house, under their mattress, etc... but this might be taking it a bit to the extreme

Tags: money mattress
Manual Escalator stairs
Added: 14th March 2011
Views: 3151
Comments: 1

I'm not sure if this is a way to get us fat Americans to lose some weight or if they just ran out of money in their budget to finish the work on in this escalator, but it sure does look a lot more like stairs to me

Tags: escalator stairs manual escalator
Kristen Bell talk show legs
Added: 14th March 2011
Views: 8435
Comments: 1

I have said it before and I will say it again, Kristen Bell likes to show off her perfect legs and I guess nobody can blame her, and she always has those great sexy heels to compliment her shapely legs. I believe she is on the David Letterman talk show here and you know he is starring at her hard.

Tags: Kristen Bell shapely legs heels David Letterman talk show
Human hotfix patch
Added: 15th March 2011
Views: 3099
Comments: 0

We are probably all used to patching and updating our computers, well now you can go out and download something to patch yourself or other humans, introducing version 1.1 of the human hotfix. Forget about working harder just apply this update patch

Tags: funny patch human patch
Guess what this nerd is surfing
Added: 17th March 2011
Views: 3241
Comments: 1

I'll give you three guesses what this nerd is surfing for on the internet and i'll even give you a hint (check out his glasses) I guess adult entertainment is what over 60% of internet traffic is about though. What is up with that monitor, does it really need that many vents, how hot can it get...

Tags: nerd surfing internet adult
Senior citizen discounts
Added: 17th March 2011
Views: 2929
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We have all seen them at McDonald's or other fine restaurants, the ole Senior citizen discount pricing, well here is how all fine establishments should do it.

Tags: senior citizens discount
Lane closed stupid sign
Added: 31st March 2011
Views: 3016
Comments: 1

Another stupid road sign, this one says the lane is closed to help with congestion, I guess I am not sure how a lane being closed can help, but that is what it says

Tags: lane closed sign stupid sign road sign
Seductive look from Sophia Bush
Added: 31st March 2011
Views: 4249
Comments: 1

Sophia Bush showing us her seductive side in this sexy picture, she has got that look down with the pouty lips and eyes

Tags: seductive Sophia Bush picture sexy
Funny doormat Nice Underwear
Added: 23rd March 2011
Views: 3535
Comments: 1

A very creative and funny doormat for your house that will make the girls in skirts think about it when they look down and it says Nice Underwear

Tags: funny doormat nice underwear
Bike Parking space
Added: 23rd March 2011
Views: 2696
Comments: 0

And by Bike, I don't mean motorcycle, as you can see this guy really parked his bike that uses manual human power by pedaling in a car parking space. Hmm... I wonder if it will be stolen or crushed first, place your bets

Tags: bike parking space funny bike parking