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Funny PacMan couples shirts
Added: 18th February 2011
Views: 2708
Comments: 0

Now here is a creative idea for shirts with a little sexual humor. Pacman always did like to eat those dots

Tags: funny pacman shirts pacman shirts pacman
FBI Wifi surveillance hotspot van
Added: 18th February 2011
Views: 4198
Comments: 1

Let's just say if you turn on your computer one day and hook up to your wifi network only to see a hotspot saying it is a FBI surveillance van, you might have an issue and should probably start formatting and destroying your hard drive.

Tags: fbi wifi surveillance van
Microsoft Windows source code
Added: 19th February 2011
Views: 2818
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Finally Microsoft had decided to release their Windows source code to see if others can improve on it to integrate it back into Windows. I hear there is even a reward offered like Netflix did with their code on movie rentals

Tags: microsoft microsoft windows windows source code
Ghetto Mercedes car emblem
Added: 20th February 2011
Views: 2953
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I guess you make do with what you have, but I think the car would have looked better when out the ghetto Mercedes emblem

Tags: Mercedes car emblem Mercedes emblem ghetto
Pepsi Gang beat up on a Coke member
Added: 20th February 2011
Views: 3507
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This violence has to stop in America, now we have a gang of Pepsi cans seeking vengeance on their rivals the Coke gang, will this gang violence ever stop.

Tags: funny coke pepsi coca cola
Catherine Bell cute picture
Added: 21st February 2011
Views: 5035
Comments: 1

Catherine Bell being a bit playful with the camera doing the whole leg in the air cute girl pose, wow, I mean look at that set of ..... smile. Ugly heels, but kinda sexy knowing that her feet are in there.

Tags: Catherine Bell cute picture JAG babe celebrity
Urinals for Poker players
Added: 21st February 2011
Views: 3669
Comments: 1

You aren't a real poker play until you've either been invited to play somewhere that has these poker urinals or you have them installed in your house. Urinals with each of the 4 suits in cards, spades, clubs, diamonds, and hearts, very cool indeed

Tags: poker urinals poker urinals cards
Vanessa Marcil topless in Panties
Added: 21st February 2011
Views: 11304
Comments: 1

Vanessa Marcil has always been a very playful babe with the camera. This is a very hot picture from Maxim magazine I believe , on her stomach in panties with her legs in a very sexy pose. Just look at the way she is looking at the camera, HOT HOT HOT

Tags: Vanessa Marcil sexy panties maxim magazine
Will eat for food
Added: 21st February 2011
Views: 2800
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We have all seen the will work for food signs, and even will work for beer, etc.. the problem here is that I am not even sure this guy is trying to make a joke and he really thinks his will eat for food sign is serious

Tags: will eat for food eat food bum sign
Employees must wash their hands?
Added: 21st February 2011
Views: 3383
Comments: 1

Well, I see a picture that implies that employees must wash their hands before return to work, although I don't think that matches with what I am reading. Imagine the interview for this job....

Tags: employees hand wash funny sign hand wash