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Samuel L Jackson with Pink Hair
Added: 5th October 2010
Views: 4674
Comments: 1

Just in case you were ever laying around and thinking about what Samuel L Jackson would look like with pink hair..... here ya go

Tags: Samuel L Jackson pink hair
Computers in Water
Added: 5th October 2010
Views: 3141
Comments: 1

Everyone knows that electronics and water do not mix, especially computers and water. What surprises me most is that the fan on the server is actually still running.

Tags: computer water
Alien wants to Believe in Life
Added: 9th October 2010
Views: 2831
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Funny picture of a reversal of what alien life might be thinking about finding us!

Tags: funny alien picture alien life want to believe
Hauling wood in their Car
Added: 7th October 2010
Views: 3437
Comments: 0

These guys are hauling what looks like 14ft pieces of wood in their little car using only their arms, nice and safe and on a busy road it looks like too, stupid people

Tags: stupid people wood hauling
Funny Bar Video
Added: 7th October 2010
Views: 4342
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Preview for what always happens when you go to the bar and there is always someone who has just a few too many drinks, very funny video

Tags: bar video funny video drinks
Earth hit my massive Asteroid
Added: 10th October 2010
Views: 3474
Comments: 1

A view from the moon if the earth were hit with a massive asteroid, I don't think it is realistic, but a neat and creative picture anyway

Tags: Earth asteroid picture asteroid earth hit by asteroid
Do not get the Animals sick
Added: 12th October 2010
Views: 3112
Comments: 1

Funny sign, they are very much concerned about the animals getting sick, but not so much about your life.... probably because if you get eaten you deserved it for being stupid.

Tags: funny animals sign funny sign animals
Space Shuttle Launch Hi Res Picture
Added: 14th October 2010
Views: 3530
Comments: 1

A very high resolution picture of a NASA Space Shuttle launch, very hi res picture, check out that smoke plume.

Tags: space shuttle lauch NASA Space Shuttle picture
Say Hello To My Little Friend
Added: 13th October 2010
Views: 2853
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You know, not everything that's small is a disappointment. Sometimes small can be beautiful and, contrary to what all those girls tell you, could even get you laid. Like nanotechnology for instance.

Tags: Samsung nano computer nanotechnology Samsung
Kid Hacker Funny Video FAIL
Added: 13th October 2010
Views: 3199
Comments: 1

This Kid thinks he is the future of hacking? Check this funny video out, he actually thinks that the tracert cmd is telling him how many people are on google and their IP addresses! Oh and there is usually only 10 people in the world on google at a time.... KID, YOU FAIL

Tags: funny video kid hacker fail fail video hacker kid