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Chess the Drinking Game Version
Added: 30th August 2012
Views: 5889
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Finally playing a game of Chess with your grandpa can be fun or at least you can get drunk while you wait for his move. I guess it is true you can make a drinking game out of just about anything.

Tags: Chess Drinking Game drunk drinking crazy picture
Clint Eastwood at RNC Talks to Chair
Added: 31st August 2012
Views: 6810
Comments: 1

At the Republican National Convention last night RNC, Hollywood Star actor Clint Eastwood talked to a chair that represented invisible President Obama. Here is a funny picture that pretty much sums it up for you.

Tags: Clint Eastwood invisible Obama talks to chair Republican National Convention RNC President Obama funny picture
Basketball Trick gone wrong
Added: 10th August 2008
Views: 2512
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Stupid kids tries to be clever and gets a wake up call from the ball... you can probably guess where this is going just by looking at the picture.

Tags: stupid kid basketball
Pornstar or Tennis Player
Added: 23rd September 2008
Views: 2442
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This girl moans after every stroke and sound like she is thinking about something else, maybe she is one of those voice overs you always hear on those movies? I mean that's what I have been told by people who have watched those movies anyway.

Tags: pornstar tennis player
Its the End of the World as we Know it
Added: 11th December 2008
Views: 2301
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Seriously scary, cool, amazing and some what true!

Tags: end of the world cool
Captain Kirk Poster
Added: 23rd September 2008
Views: 4625
Comments: 2

Funny Captain Kirk demotivational poster, I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sounds of how awesome I am and he always gets the hot girls too. Ahh what it must be like to be the captain of the starship Enterprise from Star Trek

Tags: Star Trek demotivational poster captain kirk
Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina
Added: 13th August 2008
Views: 4035
Comments: 1

Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question or should I say TRIES to answer a question, wonder why people around the world are thinking we are stupid or something? I mean this really hurts to watch, it is almost too hard to laugh because you actually start feeling sorry for her and her...

Tags: Miss Teen USA 2007 South Carolina stupid answser
Sexy Funny Commercial
Added: 11th August 2008
Views: 4227
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Funny Commercials from an IT company, very sexy woman in elevator wants this guy so she stops the elevator, the very bright guy figures he will fix the problem?

Tags: funny commercial sexy commercial elevator
Funny Gymnastics Guy
Added: 9th September 2008
Views: 4236
Comments: 2

Very Funny Paul Hunt does one of his signature gymnastics route spoofs. Very funny skit, once you start the video you won't stop until the end for sure!

Tags: funny video Paul Hunt gymnastics
Sexy Celebrity Jessica Simpson
Added: 12th August 2008
Views: 4644
Comments: 1

Jessica Simpson shows off her sexy daisy dukes in what appears to be a Dukes of Hazzard promo shoot, very cute!

Tags: Jessica Simpson Dukes of Hazzard daisy dukes