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A reverse Aircraft Carrier
Added: 28th July 2010
Views: 3366
Comments: 1

A very creative picture of what an Aircraft Carrier would look like if it were... reversed is the best word I can use to describe it

Tags: reverse aircraft carrier aircraft carrier
Interesting Craigslist Stats
Added: 20th July 2010
Views: 2004
Comments: 0

Some very interesting facts/stats about the Craigslist. From: Online MBA

Tags: craigslist facts
Crazy Cool information on Mobile Apps
Added: 20th July 2010
Views: 1995
Comments: 0

Mobile apps have taken over in the past few years, check out this great source of information on how to best obtain the apps you want and your choices. From: Online MBA (www.onlinemba.com)

Tags: mobile apps information
Starbucks iPhone Wallpaper
Added: 20th July 2010
Views: 5167
Comments: 1

Now you can drool for that Starbucks coffee all day when you look at your new pretty little iPhone, here it is, the official Starbucks wallpaper, just set it and forget it!

Tags: Starbucks iPhone wallpaper wallpaper coffee
Mel Gibson is the Devil
Added: 25th July 2010
Views: 3309
Comments: 1

I have been saying it for a while now, even before his latest round of ranting. This guy is freaking Evil man, then I ran across this picture which proves my point, I mean if I found it on the internet it must be true right!?!?

Tags: Mel Gibson crazy rant Devil Picture
Funny Suicide Jumper Video
Added: 21st July 2010
Views: 3195
Comments: 0

Now this is a funny video of a guy who is going to Jump and the spectators do all they can to save him, I can't go into much more detail without giving it away...

Tags: funny suicide jumper suicide video
Guy Locks his car with a Padlock
Added: 27th July 2010
Views: 3339
Comments: 1

Check out this genius who instead of getting his normal car door locked fixed, figured it would be just as secure by attaching a padlock.....amazingly stupid people out there.

Tags: car lock padlock stupid people
Funny Video HTC vs iPhone 4
Added: 22nd July 2010
Views: 3767
Comments: 2

Funny video on how to compare the iPhone 4 vs the HTC EVO. Evidently this video was actually made by a BestBuy employee and somehow they are now trying to fire him over it, even though nowhere does it mention Best Buy anywhere in the video... I guess they think they can somehow control what he...

Tags: Apple iPhone HTC funny video Bestbuy
Florida is done with the Hurricanes
Added: 29th July 2010
Views: 4095
Comments: 1

In breaking news today, Florida has decided (finally) that they are done with living in Hurricane alley, they have petitioned the federal government with a notice to move the state as shown in this picture.

Tags: Florida hurricane hurricane alley
Cute Emma Watson in Leggy Dress
Added: 2nd August 2010
Views: 4050
Comments: 1

Cute little Emma Watson is growing up fast and does seem to like showing off her girly figure. Beautiful yet leggy in her white dress

Tags: cute Emma Watson leggy white dress Emma Watson