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Is Your Tap Water Safe
Added: 10th December 2009
Views: 3100
Comments: 0

CNN video about how unsafe many public tap water systems really are, I am glad I am on a well

Tags: CNN video drinking tap water
How do you like your Toilet Paper?
Added: 10th December 2009
Views: 3595
Comments: 0

Ahh... the age old debate is right, which is the right way, should the toilet paper come down from the back or the front, make a comment let us know what you think!

Tags: toilet paper picture debate back or front
Swimming Pool and Extension Cord
Added: 11th May 2010
Views: 6198
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Now does this look like a good idea to you? Now if this were needed to somehow keep the beer cold I would have no doubts about this setup, but really an extension cord floating in the swimming pool with a pair of $2 flip flops....

Tags: swimming pool extension cord
Facebook Relationship Status
Added: 11th December 2009
Views: 2373
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Crazy couple getting married and stop the ceremony so that they can both update their Facebook relationship status.

Tags: Facebook Relationship Status
Woman has 3rd Child on the same day
Added: 16th December 2009
Views: 2950
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This woman has her 3rd child on the same birthday as her other 2 and it wasn't planned or C section etc.. all natural, now that is just crazy, what are the changes of that I wonder

Tags: crazy video birthday video woman birth
Unusual way of meeting Chics
Added: 16th December 2009
Views: 3482
Comments: 0

This guy for sure has a unique and unusual way of meeting the chics, I know unusual and unique kinda mean the same thing, just watch the damn video already!

Tags: unusual meeting chics
Tiger Woods Shirt Just Do IT
Added: 18th December 2009
Views: 6725
Comments: 1

Poor little picked on Tiger Woods, give me a break he is getting what he deserves and here is a funny shirt with the infamous Nike - Tiger Wood motto, Just Do IT

Tags: Tiger Woods funny shirt Just do It Nike
Forget Shotgun Wedding
Added: 19th December 2009
Views: 3617
Comments: 0

This couple isn't messing around, they totally skipped the shotgun wedding and went for a handgun and semi-automatic rifle wedding

Tags: shotgun wedding rifle handgun wedding
Our Troops Need your Support
Added: 21st December 2009
Views: 7400
Comments: 1

funny sign showing that just for the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you too can send the much needed supplies to our troops to help support them in the field.

Tags: support our troops funny sign
Funny Candle Picture Lights Ass
Added: 25th December 2009
Views: 4665
Comments: 1

A funny picture of a candle dude lighting his ass on fire, very creative for sure.

Tags: funny candle picture funny picture candle ass