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Passed out Guy Beer cans balanced on his Head
Added: 1st December 2009
Views: 3803
Comments: 1

I guess worse things have happened to guys and gals that are passed out after a night of drinking, but this is pretty amazing with all those cans balanced on his head

Tags: passed out beer cans drinking
Babe holds the clouds in her hands
Added: 1st December 2009
Views: 3210
Comments: 0

Some babe in a cool picture giving the illusion that she is holding the clouds in her hands

Tags: babe clouds cool picture illusion
IM Chat Scam
Added: 1st December 2009
Views: 3267
Comments: 0

A real IM chat conversation where a guy is trying one of the oldest scams in the book

Tags: IM Chat Scam IM
How much have cell phones changed
Added: 3rd December 2009
Views: 3257
Comments: 1

Wow, I guess you don't realize it until you actually see how much cell phones have changed over the years, just look at the size they started at and what they are today

Tags: cell phones over the years
Cute as Hell Emma Watson
Added: 4th December 2009
Views: 4134
Comments: 1

Emma Watson looking very cute and grown up in a frilly white dress, wow

Tags: cute Emma Watson picture
Guy gets a Deer, dents up his Truck
Added: 5th December 2009
Views: 4481
Comments: 2

This guy was so happy to get his deer for the year that he didn't even seem to care what damage or dents he put into his pickup truck

Tags: pickup truck deer
The Matrix with Legos
Added: 5th December 2009
Views: 3391
Comments: 1

How would The Matrix look if it were done in all Lego's? I know you have asked yourself that question many times, well here you go, check it out, very cool

Tags: Lego The Matrix video Lego video
The Best Slow Motion Video EVER
Added: 5th December 2009
Views: 5019
Comments: 0

Check out this Crazy Slow motion video of what a water balloon looks like when it pops open on this babe with her white shirt on! Amazing video really

Tags: babe slow motion video balloon
Men and Women FlowChart
Added: 5th December 2009
Views: 3611
Comments: 0

What are the differences in how Men and Women argue? Check out this awesome flowchart that shows the differences and exactly how the man can NEVER win!

Tags: women argue flowchart
10 Optical Illusions in 2 Minutes
Added: 8th December 2009
Views: 2440
Comments: 0

This video was created by nerds who live in the Samsung dungeon, 1 mile below the earths crust. They attempt to show you 10 optical illusions in 2 minutes.

Tags: optical illusions