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Demotivational Poster Collection
Added: 8th October 2009
Views: 2356
Comments: 0

A collection of the best funny and crazy demotivational posters ever

Tags: Demotivational Poster Collection
Google and Privacy
Added: 21st January 2010
Views: 3831
Comments: 1

Now Google is even into watching you on the toilet and their privacy or lack thereof, Cool funny Video making fun of Google and their privacy policy

Tags: Google privacy Google privacy policy
NASA to Bomb The Moon
Added: 7th October 2009
Views: 3673
Comments: 1

This hasn't been out in the news much, but in a couple of days NASA will be 'bombing' the moon, October 9th, 2009. Now let's get a few facts straight before you watch this idiot on this video. NASA is NOT BOMBING the moon, they are simply ramming a chuck of metal the size of a school bus into...

Tags: NASA moon bomb nukes
Scary Evil Clowns
Added: 8th October 2009
Views: 2607
Comments: 0

Just some scary evil looking clown videos, sleep good tonight after watching these guys..

Tags: Scary Evil Clowns
How to best use an iMac
Added: 9th October 2009
Views: 3061
Comments: 0

Funny picture of the best use for an Apple iMac, I mean what else can you use them for anyway

Tags: funny Apple iMac funny picture
Meredith Like this Navy Pilot
Added: 11th October 2009
Views: 2329
Comments: 0

Meredith from Who Wants to be a Millonaire likes this Navy pilot and she tells it like it is, she is even almost out of line in what she keeps saying as she hits on him

Tags: Meredith Navy Pilot
Do The Pokemon
Added: 12th October 2009
Views: 2009
Comments: 0

wtf, check out this guy, he wants to be the very best. I guess at the very least this took guts to actually record and put out on the net

Tags: funny pokemon guy
Bum Will Eat for Food
Added: 14th October 2009
Views: 2911
Comments: 0

Check out this bum, he will eat for food, guess he is not willing to work for food eh...

Tags: bum will eat food funny sign bum
Megan Fox Lights her Tongue
Added: 14th October 2009
Views: 2563
Comments: 0

Not sure what the deal is here, but anything Megan Fox has to be posted, it is basically a man law at this point. Although not sure why she needs to hold a lighter to her tongue

Tags: megan fox tongue
One in a Million Picture
Added: 15th October 2009
Views: 6325
Comments: 4

Too funny, had to be posted, what are the chances this crazy picture would be taken right at this moment?

Tags: crazy picture