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First Woman on the Moon
Added: 1st June 2009
Views: 6351
Comments: 1

yep, this is about what would happen if we were to send a woman to the moon, leave the keys right in the space ship...

Tags: woman moon space ship
100 Ton Bomb Explosion
Added: 2nd June 2009
Views: 3389
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Wow, if you ever wonder what a 100 Ton explosion from a bomb would look like here ya go, listen after the explosion to the pieces flying by the mic at the speed of sound, amazing crazy video.

Tags: 100 ton bomb explosion bomb crazy video
Homeland Security
Added: 2nd June 2009
Views: 3903
Comments: 1

Now here is a guy who might have better thought through his choice of shirt before attending this event. A terrorist shirt is probably not the best idea.

Tags: homeland security terrorist
How to Keep others from your drink
Added: 2nd June 2009
Views: 3415
Comments: 1

Everyone has been on both sides of this coin, public refrigerator taking someone else drink or losing yours, here is a clever way to ensure nobody wants it...

Tags: funny drink
Funny Eye Test Sign
Added: 2nd June 2009
Views: 4238
Comments: 0

Instead of the normal boring random letters for an eye test why not make it interesting? oh, I guess because then you would know what to expect, ok, but funny anyway

Tags: funny eye test funny sign eye test
Bad Bird House
Added: 3rd June 2009
Views: 3332
Comments: 0

Anyone see anything at all wrong with this bird house, talk about subliminal messages for sure

Tags: bird house subliminal messages
Funny Sexy Golf Training Prank
Added: 3rd June 2009
Views: 4948
Comments: 1

Hidden camera prank where an instructor is giving golf lessons to a group of females one of which is dressed rather sexy, a very funny video to watch their reactions.

Tags: funny sexy prank golf prank golf hidden camera
No Ski Masks in the Bank
Added: 4th June 2009
Views: 3751
Comments: 1

Should be common sense, but this bank felt that it happened to often so now they are asking their customers to remove their ski masks before entering the bank. I sure hope this bank is somewhere like Alaska or somewhere really cold, can't believe they would really need a funny sign posted for this.

Tags: ski masks bank funny sign
How to guide Breakdance
Added: 4th June 2009
Views: 3222
Comments: 1

A simply instructive guide giving step by step instructions so that anyone can learn to breakdance

Tags: breakdance guide how to breakdance
Warning Drinking and memory loss
Added: 4th June 2009
Views: 3865
Comments: 0

Warning that nice cold frosty beer on a hot summer day that tastes so good could cause memory loss or even worse memory loss or perhaps worst case , memory loss

Tags: drinking memory loss beer