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Funny Beach Parking Sign
Added: 27th April 2009
Views: 3183
Comments: 0

wow, talk about a confusing parking sign eh.. Your just trying to get to the beach to enjoy your day and you now have no idea of what to do. Enter is now the new exit and free is the new $5.00

Tags: funny sign beach parking free exit
Handicapped Fire Escape ladder
Added: 29th April 2009
Views: 4083
Comments: 0

Funny, Handicapped fire escape ladder, even has the safety railing that will allow a wheelchair to fit

Tags: handicapped fire escape wheelchair
Light Saber Cigarette Lighter
Added: 29th April 2009
Views: 3475
Comments: 0

Sometimes you just can't find that lighter for your cigarette, well, just pull out your handy dandy light saber and you are good to go!

Tags: light saber cigarette lighter
Where did the Swine Flu Start
Added: 1st May 2009
Views: 3299
Comments: 0

Here you go , patient 0, where the swine flu started, damn kids

Tags: swine flu patient 0 kids
Warning pervert next 3km
Added: 1st May 2009
Views: 3781
Comments: 1

Now here is a sign you don't see everyday on the road, flashers ahead, for those that actually pay attention to those sign as you are driving that is....

Tags: funny sign Flashers Pervert Driving
Cute Smile Natalie Portman
Added: 1st May 2009
Views: 3817
Comments: 1

Just sharing a great picture of celebrity Natalie Portman with her great smile. She is such a cute girl who knows how to be very hot when she wants.

Tags: Natalie Portman smile celebrity cute girl
Cool Toilet Sign
Added: 3rd May 2009
Views: 3588
Comments: 0

Another very funny and creative toilet sign, warning ladies there could be a peeper!

Tags: funny sign toilet peeper
Jesus Face in a Kit Kat Bar
Added: 3rd May 2009
Views: 3555
Comments: 1

What do you see in the Kit Kat bar? The face of Jesus some say, although I am not sure if this is faked, I do see the face.

Tags: Jesus face Kit Kat Jesus
Dont call me a Homo
Added: 26th May 2009
Views: 3190
Comments: 0

Kid makes a video asking, no telling, no yelling at people to not call him a homo for some video he made on youTube.

Tags: youtube homo video kid video
President Obama as a Vulcan
Added: 26th May 2009
Views: 4821
Comments: 2

To follow up on our white Obama picture on the site, we had to add this one, what would president Obama look like if he were a Vulcan?

Tags: President Obama vulcan