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Gorgeous Emma Watson
Added: 10th March 2009
Views: 4211
Comments: 1

wow, Emma Watson simply looks gorgeous here, I had to post this picture of the little Harry Potter sweetheart

Tags: Emma Watson gorgeous sexy celebrity sweetheart Harry Potter
Crazy Basketball Net
Added: 10th March 2009
Views: 3240
Comments: 1

Now all they need is a sign that says 'no dunking allowed' , funny basketball net picture

Tags: baseketball net funny picture no dunking
Katy Perry looking very hot in black
Added: 19th March 2009
Views: 4096
Comments: 1

Sexy singer Katy Perry gets all sexy'd up in her little black outfit

Tags: Katy Perry sexy black outfit
Funny Website Error Page
Added: 24th March 2009
Views: 3542
Comments: 1

It almost looks like your typical website error page when the site is down, however take a closer look and read what is says.

Tags: funny picture website error error page
Do you sing in the shower
Added: 26th March 2009
Views: 3228
Comments: 0

Are you one of those singers in the shower, if so here is your answers, order now, but that's not all, if you order in the next 24 minutes you will also get a free string of pearls!

Tags: singing in the shower singing shower
Crazy puzzle
Added: 26th March 2009
Views: 3464
Comments: 1

If you are really good at puzzles , why not present yourself with a challenge for once, how about a transparent puzzle. Lets see you match the pieces up based on color now!

Tags: crazy puzzles transparent puzzle puzzle
Hot girls point of view
Added: 27th March 2009
Views: 2367
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This is a very funny video of how hot girls see the world. So that's what it's like being a hot babe!

Tags: Hot girls point of view
Bill Gates Mug Shot
Added: 29th March 2009
Views: 3819
Comments: 1

Looks like Mr. Microsoft himself, Bill Gates was arrested back in 1977, I remember hearing about this and I believe it was for speeding or some other minor moving violation. I wouldnt say he takes a great mug shot, but who does

Tags: Microsoft Bill Gates mug shot arrested
Anas Lexus
Added: 29th March 2009
Views: 3657
Comments: 1

I am guessing the owners name is Ana and she thought she had a really great idea for this vanity plate for her Lexus, although at first glance it is difficult to figure out what it means because your mind immediately goes into the gutter.

Tags: Lexus funny sign license plate vanity
Letter of the Day
Added: 1st April 2009
Views: 3182
Comments: 0

ahh.. the infamous letter of the day, I\'d say she gets a bit off topic and shares too much information, nice response, very well handled

Tags: funny letter letter of the day