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Beer Rainbow
Added: 28th January 2009
Views: 3761
Comments: 0

Somewhere over the rainbow never meant so much to me as it does now. There is a god, allah, budda, whatever your choice, drink beer as for sure this rainbow is a sign from above.

Tags: beer rainbow beer rainbow
Cool Video History of the Internet
Added: 30th January 2009
Views: 3611
Comments: 1

A fairly long video at 8 minutes, but a very cool history and background on how the internet was formed. Most of us geeks now ARPAnet, etc... , however this really goes into some high level detail.

Tags: cool video history of the Internet ARPA
Kick in the nuts
Added: 2nd February 2009
Views: 4721
Comments: 1

A funny yet painful video to watch a kick in the nuts from behind, not very fun at all, but this is one of those you watch and are just glad it wasn't you.

Tags: kick in the nuts funny video painful
Find the 44th President of the United States
Added: 6th February 2009
Views: 4157
Comments: 2

Can you find the 44th president of the United States? Now come on this is funny, don't start getting all racial on me, it is funny, not meant to mean anything more than that.

Tags: President Obama black 44th president
Drunk or Plain Weird
Added: 7th February 2009
Views: 4456
Comments: 0

The girl in this video must be drunk or flat out weird! Either way, her wet salivous chest and exposed thong make this video very entertaining.

Tags: drunk weird
Crazy Scary Cat Picture
Added: 8th February 2009
Views: 3973
Comments: 0

Somewhat scary , but very cool cat picture, looks like a cat out of a Stephen King movie

Tags: scary cat cat picture cat cool cat Stephen King movie
iPhone app store funny iStalker
Added: 9th February 2009
Views: 2696
Comments: 0

Funny iPhone apps store spoof about a new application for your iPhone called iStalker

Tags: istalker iphone app store funny
Crazy one wat street signs
Added: 10th February 2009
Views: 4217
Comments: 0

How would you like to drive down this road, which one way sign would you follow?

Tags: funny sign one way sign crazy street sign
Finally the Sexy eye test
Added: 11th February 2009
Views: 12467
Comments: 1

I bet more men (ok and some women) would have much better sight and would get to the eye doctor much more if the test were more like this rather than those boring letters.

Tags: eye test sexy test
Cell Phone Reunion
Added: 2nd March 2009
Views: 3124
Comments: 0

When Bluetooth, Car Phone and BlackBerry team up, iPhone gets what he deserves a very funny video

Tags: cell phone reunion iPhone funny video