A cool video on some of the hidden tricks known as easter eggs that can be found while using the YouTube video site.
YouTube Easter Eggs Tricks Video |
We all know these people that feel the need to share every detail of their life and day on just about every social media platform especially Facebook.
Facebook Sharing LIfe Social Media |
If drivers in Atlanta would have just followed the instructions clearly given on the roadway then the ice storm of 2014 wouldn't have been that big of an issue.
Atlanta Ice Storm 2014 |
We all look forward to the winter at some point in hot August and with the holidays all is good. Right up until you are DONE with winter starting at some point in January and cant wait for spring to finally arrive.
Funny Winter Holidays Suck Spring Funny Picture |
Who doesn't like watching a funny video of a cute little kitten playing and now with Ping Pong
Ping Pong Kitty Funny Video |