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You Too can help the Old with Remotes
Added: 9th September 2012
Views: 6162
Comments: 0

Tired of grandma or grandpa asking which button does what on the remote control, now you too can help the old people to use their remotes more effectively and it is a simple solution called tape.

Tags: remote control remotes old people grandma grandpa using remotes
Amazing Cloud Formation on Field
Added: 8th September 2012
Views: 6399
Comments: 1

A crazy picture taken of a amazing cloud formation over a field during a game. Thanks Kristina

Tags: crazy picture cloud formation game field clouds
Boaters get Owned on the Waves
Added: 6th September 2012
Views: 6225
Comments: 2

Check out this crazy video of some boaters getting nothing but owned out on the waves. They all have that look of confidence right up to the point where they get pOwned. Check out the driver for certain and how the one babe is checking for her teeth when it is all said and done. They make a...

Tags: boaters owned crazy video waves wake owned fail video
Old School Games vs New School
Added: 7th September 2012
Views: 6225
Comments: 1

Funny video where the Atari is attacking back in a showdown of Old School vs New School in gaming.

Tags: old school new school Atari funny video
Prepare to Ask for a Pay Increase
Added: 11th September 2012
Views: 6705
Comments: 1

A funny comic about a couple about to ask for a pay/salary increase from their bosses, how do you prepare for that moment?

Tags: funny comic boss salary increase pay funny comic
September 11th Memorial Picture
Added: 11th September 2012
Views: 6596
Comments: 1

One of the most amazing pictures honoring those who died on September 11th 2001 and those that continue to protect the American land by taking the fight to them on their land. Let us never forget. God Bless America. 9/11

Tags: September 11th 9/11 memorial amazing picture God Bless America
Remembering 911 United States Flag
Added: 11th September 2012
Views: 6378
Comments: 0

Another great picture to honor those who died on September 11th 9/11 and continue to give their lives to protect the freedoms of the United States.

Tags: 9/11 September 11th great picture American Flag United States
Computer Based Work Week Funny Comic
Added: 11th September 2012
Views: 6629
Comments: 2

This funny comic likely portrays how your work week looks as far as your mood, but what happens on Saturday when you are home, probably on the computer again, but just using Facebook instead of working and you have a window.

Tags: Funny comic Work Week Facebook your mood computers
Go Ahead Just ask a Woman if she is Pregnant
Added: 14th September 2012
Views: 5827
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When is it possibly ok to ask a woman if she is pregnant the answer is NEVER. You NEVER EVER no matter the circumstance ask a woman if she is preggo, always listen to either gather hints that she indeed is or let her tell you outright. Here is a funny picture letting you know at what stage you...

Tags: Pregnant Woman funny picture Pregnant ask a woman preggo
Apple iPhone 5 Video with Jimmy Kimmel
Added: 17th September 2012
Views: 6410
Comments: 1

Jimmy Kimmel takes a look at the iPhone 5 on his late night comedy show and people off the street do not even know the difference between the iPhone 4S and the 5 as he tricks them.

Tags: iPhone 5 iPhone Apple Apple iPhone Jimmy Kimmel Funny Video comedy show