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Angie Griffin YouTube babe looking very sexy with her legs and boobs as a hot girlscoutSexy Emma Watson showing her LegsElizabeth Ann Roberts 2Long legs in heels for a sexy selfieCelebrity Diane LaneCute Debby Ryan in stockings and bootsPretty Emma Watson and her kittyScreen Team Christmas Parody

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People that are Color Blind Funny Chart
Added: 25th August 2012
Views: 6148
Comments: 0

A funny pie chart showing just how difficult life is for people that are color blind. Take a minute to figure it out

Tags: color blind funny funny chart pie chart
Funny Flow Chart When you are Hungry
Added: 27th August 2012
Views: 6025
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A funny flow chart showing just how you look for food in your house when you are hungry and pretty much know you have nothing good to eat.

Tags: funny flow chart hungry funny flow chart
Crazy Video of a Bird actually Fishing
Added: 27th August 2012
Views: 6351
Comments: 1

This is a crazy video of a very smart bird that is actually fishing to get his meal. He said why would I eat this bread when I can have fresh fish? I wonder if he has his fishing license though?

Tags: crazy video fishing bird fishing smart bird fresh fish fishing license
How Twitter would look in 1985
Added: 29th August 2012
Views: 6879
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A funny video showing just how you would connect and interact with Twitter if it were online as a Social Media giant at that time. Yes folks we are talking about modems, dial up, and BBS type stuff here.

Tags: Twitter funny video how Twitter would look 1985
Funny Old Google Search Engine
Added: 29th August 2012
Views: 8700
Comments: 2

A funny picture showing what the Google Search Engine would have looked like decades ago.

Tags: Google Google Search Engine funny picture
AYSOS Video Intro Theme
Added: 29th August 2012
Views: 6363
Comments: 1

The aysos.com team has been testing video intros for awhile now and are happy to present what is now live for all videos. We hope you enjoy. Please note, since the video is the intro, you are going to see the intro and then the intro for this intro video, get it? ;)

Tags: aysos video video intro video theme aysos theme
Funny Picture for all you Nuts
Added: 29th August 2012
Views: 6036
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Just a quick funny picture for all you nuts out there in the world. At least the other guy gets nailed, hahaha, lol, not..

Tags: funny picture nuts nailed funny picture
Funny Leaked Apple iPhone 5 Video
Added: 29th August 2012
Views: 6327
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A funny leaked video of the all new Apple iPhone 5, what it looks like and how you can use it to make your life seem happier.

Tags: iPhone5 Apple Apple iPhone Leaked Video iPhone 5 video
Funny Video Dark Knight Medley Spoof
Added: 31st August 2012
Views: 6479
Comments: 1

Screen Team Show puts out yet another great funny video spoof, this time it is a Dark Knight medley. Even has Justin Bieber!

Tags: funny video Dark Knight Screen Team Show video spoof medley Justin Bieber
The Bob Marley Printer Funny Picture
Added: 31st August 2012
Views: 5843
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We have all been there at one point where the printer just keeps jamming over and over, well, lets just call it Bob Marley!

Tags: Bob Marley printer jamming funny picture