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Android Smartphone unlimited Data Star Trek
Added: 4th August 2012
Views: 6115
Comments: 1

A funny picture showing what a real Android smartphone looks like in Star Trek and it even includes unlimited Data. If you completely get how funny this is you are certainly a Trekky

Tags: Android smartphone unlimited data funny picture Star Trek
Funny Little Mermaid womens bathing suit
Added: 4th August 2012
Views: 5516
Comments: 0

A very funny and unique womens bathing suit featuring the Little Mermaid

Tags: Little Mermaid womens bathing suit funny
Nightlight like you have never seen before
Added: 7th August 2012
Views: 5655
Comments: 0

A creative and funny nightlight like you have never seen before to be sure, a water faucet style with lighted water dripping, must be an LED for sure.

Tags: nightlight funny creative LED water dripping
New Flavored Water just for stupid people
Added: 7th August 2012
Views: 5829
Comments: 0

All new get your Water flavored Water now while supplies last.

Tags: water flavored water flavored all new while supplies last
Failed Jumping Off A Boat Picture
Added: 7th August 2012
Views: 6014
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If you are going to jump off of a boat and have your picture taken doing it you should probably make sure you dont fail at doing it. I guess 3 out of the 4 made it just fine. I like how she puts her hand down like the water is going to catch her. At least the bikini girl made it up in the air...

Tags: failed boat jumping boat water bikini girl
Back To School for Alcoholics
Added: 7th August 2012
Views: 6296
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Welcome back to our students who are also alcoholics evidently. Certainly a funny sign and am guessing that they must include free #2 pencils with every vodka purchase.

Tags: back to school student pencils vodka funny sign
The Divorce Cake Free at Last
Added: 7th August 2012
Views: 6137
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A funny divorce cake for that once husband that is finally free at last. I like how he is pushing the old wife right off the side.

Tags: divorce cake free at last old wife funny cake
Drunk Things to NOT do
Added: 10th August 2012
Views: 5489
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15 items of things you should not be doing while you are drunk. We have all seen those people that do stupid things while drinking and you for sure don't want it to be you.

Tags: drunk do not do this while drunk drinking stupid
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Added: 10th August 2012
Views: 5957
Comments: 0

A funny picture for Chipotle Mexican Grill and a toilet seat on fire. I love their food but it is true sometimes this is how you feel the night after you eat a nice spicy burrito

Tags: Chipotle Chipotle Mexican Grill funny picture toilet seat fire spicy burrito
What Could this Sign mean TGIF
Added: 10th August 2012
Views: 5901
Comments: 0

Yes I gave you a hint on what this sign is in the title so you should be able to figure it out, here is the hint again for the stupid people TGIF

Tags: TGIF funny sign stupid people