Check out these three babes one is not like the others can you pick her out? I'll give you a hint just look for the most ugly lipstick you have ever seen in your life. Let's just call this what it is a FAIL picture
ugly lipstick babes fail fail picture |
If you have the Wii remote wheel then you might see what this idiot was trying to do by creating a homemade game wheel for his smartphone. I give it a fail using a florescent light filled with poisonous gases.
smartphone game game wheel Wii fail homemade wheel idiot |
Dont you all find it funny when you are laying there at the Dentists office with your mouth open and metal objects being shoved in your mouth that they try talking to you? What are they thinking, do they just want to break the silence, just cant stand looking at your nasty mouth anymore, or do...
Dentist dentist office funny picture |
If you like ice fishing then you will find this video just amazing. Even if you don't know what ice fishing is you will be amazed at this. Basically these guys are under the water upside down fishing through the ice to the top.
ice fishing amazing video under water upside down inverted |
A funny yet very environmentally friendly door sign. It is actually nice to see that we can and still sometimes do little things to lessen our impact on other lifeforms on this planet, after all we need them more than they need us.
funny sign environmentally friendly door sign planet |