A crazy picture that shows just how bad the American wealth inequality has really become over the past 30 years or so. While I certainly don't agree that the rich should pay for everything, I do agree we need a smaller government with less waste and it is just a fact that some will have to do...
American wealth inequality picture 99% 1% the rich |
A cool picture showing various Caffeine history and interesting facts about different drinks like coffee that contain caffeine.
caffeine facts drinks coffee history |
We all know the saying Think Before you Speak, well in this new internet and better yet Twitter age, the saying should be changed to Google Before you Tweet. In other words people, get your facts straight before you go out tweeting about what you assume are facts!
Google Twitter think before you speak tweet internet age |
I got a game camera for my birthday and just a few days later my first deer picture on it is a very nice buck right behind my house.
deer buck game camera |
This hot stripper babe has moves that will knock your socks off! Check out that amazing walking in air move, wow...
stripper like a boss dances babe |
Check out this woman, she is in her prime at a young age of 48 and still smoking cigarettes, now ask yourself if they really kill you
cigarettes kill young age young woman |