Now there are pools and there are POOLS! Forget those little air filled pools, the plastic pools, this guy has the right idea, not to mention the money for an awesome pool complete with plexiglass on one side. Can we say rich bastard? We should tax this a-hole more for being one of those 1%...
awesome pool 99% 1% ahole money rich |
If there was ever a dimplier way to get people to notice and use a condom, this funny picture math problem gets the point across quickly and makes an impact. Use protection people, protect against unwanted pregnancy and STDs!
STD condom use protection funny picture pregnancy |
Funny sign from the IT System administrator telling you to not feed his intern, they are tearing him down to build him up to be a new Sys Admin, cocky and the whole bit.
system administrator IT funny sign sys admin |
A funny comic about 2 guys, one stranded on a deserted island and one in the middle of the ocean in a boat and they both think they are saved by each other.
funny comic funny lost at sea funny picture |
A creative and sad but true sign about how Apple Steve Jobs death compares to the rest of the deaths in the world.
Steve Jobs Apple death sad sign |
We have all seen those piece of junk cars people drive with a big anti-theft sticker on the window trying to warn people that believe it or not it does have a car anti-theft alarm installed.
car anti-theft car alarm funny sticker |