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Reserved for Drunk Drivers
Added: 7th May 2009
Views: 3029
Comments: 0

I don't know how you feel about drunk drivers, but I thought this was very funny and a very appropriate parking space for all of them.

Tags: parking reserved drunk drivers
Why are EZPass Lanes so slow
Added: 7th May 2009
Views: 3777
Comments: 1

You might ask, why do I have to go 15mph just to use my EZpass, well check out this guy, I bet he will go slow the next time , if he has a next time that is....

Tags: ezpass slow Ezpass lanes
President Obama Makes Some Jokes
Added: 11th May 2009
Views: 2433
Comments: 0

President Obama is speaking at the White House Correspondents Dinner and he cracks some jokes

Tags: president obama jokes
Baggage Cart Sucked into Engine
Added: 12th May 2009
Views: 3451
Comments: 1

A large baggage container was sucked into the engine of a large jet at Los Angeles airport, LAX

Tags: jet engine large jet LAX Los Angeles
Strength Hammer Test - Fail
Added: 12th May 2009
Views: 2573
Comments: 0

We have all seen or tried this at the fair, amusement parks, etc... you take the rubber hammer and hit the platform as hard as you can, a device this goes up and tell you how strong you are right? Well this guy doesn't quite get it right and fails big time

Tags: strength hammer test fail
Saturday Night Live - Mother Lover
Added: 13th May 2009
Views: 4805
Comments: 1

Another great performance by Justin Timberlake on SNL Saturday Night Live with Mother Lover

Tags: Saturday Night Live mother lover SNL Justin Timberlake
Funny No Grabbing Sign
Added: 8th September 2008
Views: 4682
Comments: 2

It kinda makes you wonder does this happen that often that a sign actually needed to be created to stop such action, and if it really happens that often do we really think a little funny sign is going to stop it?

Tags: grabbing boobs funny sign
No Throwing Stones Sign
Added: 8th September 2008
Views: 3621
Comments: 1

Now here is a sign that our tax dollars went towards to just say don't throw stones at it? What about shooting, bottles, and is there an actual difference between a stone and a rock? Think they would have been better of asking for stone to be thrown at it, then it would probably be nice and...

Tags: stone sign stupid sign
Dirty Subway Sign
Added: 8th September 2008
Views: 3721
Comments: 0

When I first saw this I just thought it was my dirty mind, but I have starred and starred at this picture for quite some time now and still can't figure out why they would choose these designs to get their point across, the only one I can see making any sense is the pregnant logo.

Tags: dirty mind subway sign
Stupid Crosswalk
Added: 8th September 2008
Views: 3655
Comments: 1

I have seen crosswalks where there shouldn't be, I have wondering why there aren't crosswalks in certain places, but I have never seen a crosswalk as stupid as this, I mean it looks like an alley, is there really that much traffic that it would require our tax dollars to be used? What is it,...

Tags: crosswalk funny picture