So you might not immediately understand why this funny picture is a pregnancy fail, so make sure you read that her husband has been away at war for 12 months so how could it be his baby? I guess he could have come home on leave for a few days or something...
pregnancy fail funny picture husband away at war welcome home |
Finally, what every parent has been looking for, The Kiddie Tazer, a way to electrocute sensibly punish your kids to get the point across. Available now at your local convenience store or order online with free shipping.
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Take a look at this interesting modern clock picture, I can't even think of a good way to describe it other than very cool.
cool picture clock modern clock |
So, you have probably never thought about it much, but a good and sexy girlfriend can actually save you a lot of space on your computer hard drive. I will leave the interpretation to you.
sexy girlfriend computer hard drive good girl |
Mark Hamill who you for sure only know as Luke Skywalker in a before and after picture. I have no idea why this guy had NO career at all after the Star Wars movies, but I bet he got plenty of babes back in the day.
Mark Hamill Luke Skywalker Star Wars then and now |