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Funny sign what kind of a person are you
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 3396
Comments: 0

A funny sign pointing out exactly the difference in Great, Average, and small people. This would be a great sign to hang up at my workplace.

Tags: funny sign people kinds of people great people
Pregnancy fail welcome home dad
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 4824
Comments: 1

So you might not immediately understand why this funny picture is a pregnancy fail, so make sure you read that her husband has been away at war for 12 months so how could it be his baby? I guess he could have come home on leave for a few days or something...

Tags: pregnancy fail funny picture husband away at war welcome home
Apple computer FAIL at Microsoft
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 3985
Comments: 0

A Microsoft presentation that is using an Apple computer for the slide show presentation, I would call that a FAIL.

Tags: Apple computer presentation FAIL Microsoft
Kiddie Tazer available now
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 3883
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Finally, what every parent has been looking for, The Kiddie Tazer, a way to electrocute sensibly punish your kids to get the point across. Available now at your local convenience store or order online with free shipping.

Tags: kiddie tazer funny picture punish your kids free shipping
Electric rubber ducky for the bath
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 3457
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Now I certainly wouldn't put one of these electric rubber ducky toys in my kids bath, but to each their own I guess, weed out the gene pool at least.

Tags: rubber ducky electric ducky gene pool bath toy
Funny video the Manslator
Added: 13th December 2011
Views: 4291
Comments: 1

A funny video for all those guys out there than need help translating what women say and what they really mean. Here is what you have been waiting for all your life, the Manslator!

Tags: funny video manslator what women say women translate
Funny Medical terms abbreviations
Added: 15th December 2011
Views: 5099
Comments: 1

Just a funny picture with a hot nurse showing a few funny Medical terms and their abbreviations. I guess if you are at the doctors and hear any of these I would probably leave immediately and seek better care.

Tags: medical abbreviations funny medical medical terms funny picture hot nurse
Very cool modern clock picture
Added: 15th December 2011
Views: 3293
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Take a look at this interesting modern clock picture, I can't even think of a good way to describe it other than very cool.

Tags: cool picture clock modern clock
The value of a good and sexy girlfriend
Added: 16th December 2011
Views: 3626
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So, you have probably never thought about it much, but a good and sexy girlfriend can actually save you a lot of space on your computer hard drive. I will leave the interpretation to you.

Tags: sexy girlfriend computer hard drive good girl
Mark Hamill Luke Skywalker then and now
Added: 16th December 2011
Views: 3703
Comments: 1

Mark Hamill who you for sure only know as Luke Skywalker in a before and after picture. I have no idea why this guy had NO career at all after the Star Wars movies, but I bet he got plenty of babes back in the day.

Tags: Mark Hamill Luke Skywalker Star Wars then and now