Who says power line structures need to be boring and rectangular, why not have them look like men holding the power lines. I have also read that this design is more stable and about 10-15% cheaper to produce! Amazing what a little change can do.
power lines creative picture powerlines structure |
Most people complain about all the spam they get in their email, but how about all that same spam you get in your mailbox everyday that kills so many trees. Well check out this funny picture, this guy had a great idea to let the mailman sort out the crap for him.
mailbox spam inbox mailman funny picture |
Not sure what the owner is trying to really accomplish here with no fence and just a gate, but I don't think this stupid sign to keep it closed is really going to help much.
stupid sign gate fence |
Check out this funny picture of what a creative problem solver guy did to get his car, I guess that is certainly one way to get out of that pesky problem of having a boot put on your car tire.
car boot problem solver funny picture tire boot |