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What kind of a man are you exactly
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2418
Comments: 0

How you pee can tell you a lot about exactly what kind of a man you are. Are you a pessimist, Optimist, etc... Pretty clever and funny picture.

Tags: funny picture how you pee what kind of man optimist pessimist
Airplane evacuation procedure
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2914
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We have all, well most of us have been on the plane and seen these stupid signs telling you how to evacuate the plane in case of emergency, and normally the pictures are so dumb, ok well so is this one.

Tags: airplane evacuation airplane stupid sign funny picture
USB floppy thumb drive
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2814
Comments: 1

Not sure what you would call this one really, I guess it is still a USB drive, it just looks like a floppy disk, pretty funny really.

Tags: USB floppy drive USB drive funny
Never underestimate the thin ice
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2995
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Talk about and understatement, they are clearly warning you of Danger that there is thin ice, although I am fairly certain there is absolutely NO ice on this pond.

Tags: warning sign stupid sign thin ice danger sign
Is it the right time for this position
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2391
Comments: 1

Funny clock showing different sexual positions based on the time, so the question is, what is your favorite time, comment and let us know.

Tags: time position funny clock sexual positions
United States Navy aircraft carrier
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2845
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Check out this impressive high resolution picture of a United States Navy aircraft carrier at sea loaded with war planes like the F-18. That is some amazing firepower and projection of force.

Tags: United States Navy aircraft carrier war planes F-18
Funny comic internet inlargement spam
Added: 26th November 2011
Views: 2793
Comments: 0

A funny comic about how bad internet spam has gotten in the past several years and how 45% of that spam is about some type of male enhancement or enlargement for men.

Tags: funny comic internet spam male enhancement enlargement
Hot Smurfette and buff Lovey Smurf
Added: 26th November 2011
Views: 3989
Comments: 0

What would they look like if lovey Smurf was a buff bad ass and Smurfette was a hot babe, well check out this crazy picture smurf drawing to see.

Tags: hot smurfette lovey smurf hot babe crazy picture smurf drawing
Kate Beckinsale threesome video
Added: 26th November 2011
Views: 4008
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Check out Kate Beckinsale in this hot video from the movie Laurel Canyon of her in the pool with another woman and a man.

Tags: Kate Beckinsale hot video threesome
Advertised product and what you really get
Added: 27th November 2011
Views: 3001
Comments: 1

Ever wonder how stuff like this isn't defined as false advertising? I mean, rarely does the product you see advertised on TV, billboards, etc... ever look like what you actually get if you order one. Fast food is perhaps the most notorious, check out these funny and somewhat disturbing pictures...

Tags: advertising false advertisement McDonald\