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Facebook fail posting Farmville
Added: 23rd November 2011
Views: 4323
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Wow, the nerve of some people and what they post on Facebook and then thinking that a Farmville gift is going to make up for hitting another mans woman?

Tags: Facebook fail posting Farmville
Chuck Norris had a role in Star Wars
Added: 23rd November 2011
Views: 2667
Comments: 1

I bet you didn't know that Chuck Norris had a role in the Star Wars movies, and when I say movieS, I do mean ALL of them. Check out this funny picture to see what I am talking about.

Tags: Chuck Norris Star Wars force funny picture
Lizard fights the bird and bites back
Added: 23rd November 2011
Views: 2628
Comments: 1

Check out this little lizard guy, about to get eaten by a big bird and he fights back, biting that bird right back, somehow I think the bird is going to get the last word though.

Tags: bird lizard fights back bird eating
Bonde DUI driving with open beer
Added: 24th November 2011
Views: 2896
Comments: 2

This Alabama woman is so dumb that after being pulled over by a Tennessee cop for her funny driving skills, she reaches for her purse to get her license with an open beer right next to her in the car. While she is doing this another officer takes this picture from the passenger window!!!

Tags: Alabama driving car beer blonde DUI DWI
Emma Watson beautiful in stockings
Added: 24th November 2011
Views: 6490
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Check out the always beautiful Emma Watson posing in a field with her stocking clad legs. It doesn't get much prettier than this folks.

Tags: Emma Watson stockings beautiful Emma legs
Emma Watson playful showing legs
Added: 24th November 2011
Views: 3531
Comments: 1

Emma Watson very playful in this picture with several poses all showing off her wonderfully long sexy legs.

Tags: Emma Watson sexy legs long legs playful picture
Crazy video of Octopus walking on land
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2007
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Check out this crazy video at a Marine Reserve with an Octopus coming out of the water and walking around the land for the visitors, very cool video.

Tags: crazy video octopus walking on land marine reserve
Funny say it out loud picture
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2257
Comments: 1

Just a funny picture that makes no sense until you say it out loud a few times in a row.

Tags: funny picture say it out loud
Cute puppy cup cakes
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2733
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Someone was really creative and must really love their cute puppy to go to all this trouble to make matching cup cakes.

Tags: cute puppy creative cup cakes
Man deer hunting or bear man hunting
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2735
Comments: 1

Check out this crazy video of a man in his tree stand hunting for a deer when he records a bear in the distance that decides to climb his ladder stand and gets a little too close. This guy is as calm as they come. Notice how the bear tracked his scent all the way to the stand, think the bear...

Tags: deer hunting crazy video bear tree stand