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Funny picture of real Duck Tape
Added: 5th November 2011
Views: 2242
Comments: 0

Some people seem to always call Duct tape Duck tape even though that is not correct. Well, here is a funny picture of just what real Duck Tape would look like.

Tags: duck tape funny picture duct tape
Funny use stairs in case of fire
Added: 5th November 2011
Views: 2550
Comments: 1

We have all seen the signs near elevators, in case of fire use the stairs, well this funny picture gives whole new meaning to that phrase.

Tags: in case of fire use stairs funny picture
Amanda Tapping is a SciFy godess
Added: 6th November 2011
Views: 5461
Comments: 1

Amanda Tapping, the super hot blonde SciFy godess. She looks great as a blonde, but I will take her with any hair color, in fact even with the same cut as Emma Watson, or even no hair at all if we want to be honest. And she looks great wearing nothing but the American flag

Tags: Amanda Tapping SciFy godess
Streaker interrupts Hayden Panettiere
Added: 7th November 2011
Views: 2792
Comments: 1

Now this is a crazy video where Hayden Panettiere gets interrupted while on stage by a naked streaker at the MTV Europe Video Music Awards! I think she may have even blushed a little bit.

Tags: Hayden Panettiere naked streaker MTV awards crazy video
Bucket list item everyone should have
Added: 8th November 2011
Views: 2374
Comments: 1

If you haven't seen the movie or know what a bucket list is, it is basically everything you want to do in life before you die. Now this guy seems to have only one entry in his bucket list and that is Olivia Wilde, I guess I can't really blame him, but it is somewhat lame for a bucket list, let...

Tags: bucket list movie lame fail Olivia Wilde
Emma my Watson oh me oh my
Added: 8th November 2011
Views: 4355
Comments: 1

Wow, check out the sexy Emma Watson with her bright red lips and somewhat see thru dress with a darn pastie in the way. She is really just a one of kind beautiful girl that EVERY man is drooling after. What a celebrity babe, Emma Watson

Tags: Emma Watson red lips see thru celebrity babe
Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs
Added: 10th November 2011
Views: 2224
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Interesting article about Microsoft Bill Gates and Apple Steve Jobs, some of this directly from the book that Steve Jobs wrote and includes quite a few details about Bill Gates and what he really thought about him.

Tags: Microsoft Bill Gates Apple Steve Jobs
Funny always eject your USB safely
Added: 12th November 2011
Views: 2484
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This guy is a hardcore bada$$, he doesn't even eject his USB safely, that crazy guy. Funny picture

Tags: funny picture USB eject safely
Random collection of cool Numaga pictures
Added: 12th November 2011
Views: 1229
Comments: 0

A very cool collection of some amazing pictures from our friends at Numaga.

Tags: cool pictures Numaga
Guys fails at sneaking a skirt peek
Added: 12th November 2011
Views: 4726
Comments: 1

Check out this guy trying to sneek a little peek up this cute babes skirt while she is innocently on her computer. Although I certainly can't say I blame him for trying since she has made it so easy, I am going to say he FAILS since he is busted on camera. Or perhaps the look was worth it and...

Tags: skirt peek sneak peek upskirt guy fails fail