Really, this guy strapped a few 2 liters bottles to his waist and really expects it to work as a home made floatation device? I will put this in the stupid people category for sure.
stupid people floatation device 2 liters |
Katy Perry in a promo shoot for her Smurfs movie where she of course is the voice of Smurfette. I have to say Katy is looking very smurfy in this picture and I am sure many would like to smurf her.
Katy Perry Smurfette smurfy |
Cute actress Jewel Staite dressed up as a very sexy witch for Halloween, I even like her green face, too bad the dress wasn't a bit, ok a lot, shorter.
Jewel Staite sexy witch Halloween |
We all know that Apple has been crazy successful the past few years due to their various iProducts, starting with the iPod, then the iPhone and iPad, how about iPaid!? Just a funny picture showing just how crazy it has gotten.
Apple iPod iPhone iPad funny picture |
Emma Watson seem to get hotter everyday and more daring, she is starting to wear more and more revealing clothes all the time, like this see thru dress with a little green bra.
Emma Watson hot see thru dress |
You all remember the little paperclip helper guy that came with Microsoft Windows right? He was so annoying that they ended up giving users an option to disable his help, then they removed him completely. Well, he is back in this funny picture giving help to install Windows , and it isn't the...
Microsoft Windows paperclip helper funny picture |
Now this is a crazy video of a guy playing music with nothing but a Nintendo GameBoy. Watch and you will be amazed, I think he uses just about every part of the Gameboy to get bass, drums, slide, etc... very cool video
Nintendo GameBoy crazy video music video Nintendo Gameboy |
Funny picture letting you know that when a woman says what to you, it isn't that she didn't hear you really, she is just trying to be nice and give you another chance to change what you said to begin with. Any they wonder why we don't understand them half the time.
funny picture women say another chance |
Say that 3 times real fast, Person Planking on Passenger Plane. Not sure what else to say about this funny picture, although I think that guy has a facial expression that is like WTF and the woman thinks it is crazy funny, maybe he could score with her after they land.
planking planking on plane funny picture |