The cute twins Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen looking very pretty here, not sure what has happened to them and their careers, but you sure don't hear much about them anymore.
Mary Kate Olsen Ashley Olsen |
Yet another Steve Jobs tribute picture made out of a collage of different Apple products like the iPhone, iPod, iMac, etc..... What a loss to this world if you like him or not you have to admit he was a marketing and styling genius.
Steve Jobs Apple iPhone genius iMac |
Really, is there such a need for a store dedicated to selling fresh condoms. I guess the local RiteAid or 7-Eleven condoms aren't fresh enough, I just don't get it.
fresh condoms store 7-Eleven RiteAid |
Funny picture about what you are doing today and if you got it done or not. If you aren\'t doing shit then that is a good thing
funny picture doing today funny |
Beautiful picture of the USAF P51D Mustang, which is for certain the greatest fighter ever produced. Yes, the F22 is out there, F16, etc... however none come close to the impact this great fighter had in a war and was revolutionary for its time. The D version had the Royals Royce engine which...
P51D Mustang greatest figher USAF |
Very creative and somewhat distributing picture of a mens restroom with urinals designed in the shape of lips. And what is that above the lips, sure looks like cameras to me....
crazy picture urinals lips |