Check out this funny text message where the mom doesn't know what (.)(.) means (they are boobs by the way) , nor does she know what 8===D means, I will let you figure that one out on your own if you don't know.
funny text message text message |
You have likely seen these perspective pictures lately with an object in the background, in this case the sun was used. It takes some patience and help from another person, but once you get the perspective correct the pictures come out amazing.
cool picture sun perspective |
Now I admit I have walked into the wrong restroom door on occasion because I wasn't paying attention, but this guy has a whole other type of problem. That is why they should just spell out Men and Women on the doors and forget the symbols, or if you are going to use symobls then try boobs and a...
restroom doors men women restroom |
wow, a very cool picture captured at just the right moment of a lighting bolt striking the Eiffel Tower. I guess it is designed for these strikes, but I certainly wouldn't want to be up there when it happened.
Eiffel Tower lighting strike cool picture |
It is the season to change your wallpaper people, you would be amazed at how much it can change your emotions just by changing your wallpaper to something a bit more seasonal, it will be Halloween soon so why not get rid of that hot babe on your desktop for something a little bit more inline with...
Halloween wallpaper halloween wallpaper |
Every movie or show you have ever liked all wrapped up into less than 4 minutes of your time with a great soundtrack, an amazing epic video complication for all time.
epic video video compilation |
Introducing a very special offers for existing customers of AT&T who already have an Apple iPhone 4 and want to upgrade to the iPhone 4S for only .99 cents!
iPhone 4S iPhone Apple AT&T upgrade |
Amazing art carvings out of normal childrens Crayons. Now this takes some patience and truly a neat form of art
Crayon art Crayon carvings |
Little cutie Zooey Deschanel in a very sexy pose with black designed stockings. She has some very nice legs and feet and would ask that she show them off more often.
Zooey Deschanel stockings legs feet cutie |
Now you too can purchase the ultra thin Sarah Palin condoms, they are thin like her resume for her pleasure. Now that is funny
Sarah Palin condoms funny |