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Angry Birds are real and scary
Added: 3rd October 2011
Views: 2965
Comments: 0

Everyone that has a computer for sure knows about the viral game Angry Birds, well, here is proof that they are real and scary as hell

Tags: Angry Birds scary
Give a man a beer already
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2183
Comments: 0

Funny shirt picture how men and beer, its like the old fishing quote. I think I'll just take the beer, forget about trying to figure out how to make it, I am too lazy for that.

Tags: give beer beer man a beer
Anne Hathaway in leather boots
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 4026
Comments: 1

I dare you not to click on this picture, guy or girl, nobody can possibly resist checking out Anne Hathaway wearing long leather black boots up to her thighs on her very long legs.

Tags: Anne Hathaway leather boots long legs
Cute girl in Atari dress
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2570
Comments: 1

Check out this cute girl (well I guess she is cute, can't see her face) wearing her homemade old style Atari type dress.

Tags: cute girl Atari homemade dress
The mobile ATM machine
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2293
Comments: 1

Not a bad idea, but I don't think I would trust a mobile ATM machine

Tags: ATM machine mobile
Bicycle speaker system setup
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2090
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Now this guy must be a hardcore music listener to setup a speaker system on his bicycle, I don't think I would want to carry around all that extra weight on my bike.

Tags: bicycle speakers bike speaker system
Britney Spears still got legs
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 3727
Comments: 1

Check out Britney Spears showing off that she has still got some very nice legs in these fishnet stockings and very sexy heels.

Tags: Britney Spears fishnet stockings heels sexy legs
Apple iPhone 4S announced
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2210
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Finally, after the much anticipated hype, speculation, and rumors Apple has announced the next version of the popular iPhone lineup. The new version will be called the iPhone 4S, not the iPhone 5 as most predicted. This is somewhat like the iPhone 3GS where there wasn't a huge change, just a...

Tags: Apple iPhone 5 iPhone 4S iPhone iOS
Facebook guy pervert getting fired
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 3223
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Check out this teacher on Facebook going to get fired for a stunt along time ago and now is probably going to get fired from his new job because an old student ratted him out for being a pervert with this Facebook post.

Tags: Facebook posting fail teacher fired
Funny sign for Free Sex
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2277
Comments: 0

Well, I guess you do what you have to do, but it doesn't seem like it would be that comfortable to me. At least someone took the time to make up a funny sign to point you in the direction of free sex.

Tags: funny sign free sex