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Never Underestimate Stupid People
Added: 21st July 2008
Views: 3828
Comments: 0

Never Underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups

Tags: stupid people underestimate stupid people
No Stupid People
Added: 22nd July 2008
Views: 6697
Comments: 1

No Stupid People Beyond this point. Now that is a sign I could use on an everyday basis. How about when you are checking out at the grocery store and the last 1% of the population that still insist on using their checkbook?

Tags: stupid people stupid sign
Poor Kid
Added: 22nd July 2008
Views: 3961
Comments: 0

Poor kid squished between two ...ehh.. larger people. The only advise I can give the kid is to... eat whatever they are eating to even the odds.

Tags: squished kid fat people bike
Moving Dots Optical Illusion
Added: 22nd July 2008
Views: 4282
Comments: 2

Can you keep the dots from moving around. This is one of those optical illusions that will make you sick and have to show all your friends

Tags: moving dots optical illusion dot illusion
Technical problem with Sign
Added: 22nd July 2008
Views: 3698
Comments: 0

can we say reboot, 3 finger salute, pull the power, format C:, reload with Linux?....that usually fixed technical problems these days, not sure if it works on signs, but it would be a good first place to start

Tags: stupid sign sign problem technical problem
Try the Anus?
Added: 22nd July 2008
Views: 4868
Comments: 1

Man I am sure hoping this meant to say Try the Angus... although I am 99% sure I wouldn't stop at this place even knowing what the meant.. It's called Attention to detail my friends... join the military... to quote a great leader "and we wonder what's wrong with today's youts"

Tags: anus sign burger king stupid sign angus burger
Mysterious Hottie
Added: 22nd July 2008
Views: 6131
Comments: 2

Please someone comment on who this hottie is, maybe a celeb, not sure, but I would really like to know.... Update: thanks to a viewer comment, I am now aware that this is Allison Munn, moving her into her own category as she rightly deserves

Tags: sexy Mysterious Hottie Allison Munn celebrity celeb babe celeb hottie
Shit Storm Funny Weatherman
Added: 22nd July 2008
Views: 6483
Comments: 0

Weatherman predicts a Shit Storm is coming, watch out!!

Tags: shit storm funny weatherman
Heineken Water Cooler
Added: 22nd July 2008
Views: 5368
Comments: 1

Forget the Water cooler in the office, every office should have one of these, would make the office a little more exciting anyway!!

Tags: Heineken cooler Heineken beer beer water cooler
Crazy powerfull drug running boat
Added: 23rd July 2008
Views: 5082
Comments: 2

Yes, it is inflatable with every inch of the back of the boat filled with engines, this was seized from the coastguard for being a drug running boat. The coast guard had to use a high speed helicopter to keep up with it!

Tags: super drug boat inflatable boat coast guard